We’re excited to share with you the 2020 Nurse Values Report Card, a powerful tool you and everyone you know can use to look up the candidates asking for your vote and see where they stand on the issues important to nurses.
We know who stands with us, and who doesn’t. Now, we just need to let nurses and the public know.
Check out the Report Card to see how the candidates asking for your vote scored.
If you want to learn more about how we graded the candidates and know who stands with our Nurse Values, you can check out the Report Card to learn more. But to put it simply–we’ve faced a massive crisis this year. We launched and advocated for The Nurse Plan for PA’s Recovery for months. We saw too many lawmakers fail to act on our advocacy. We know how they voted, who listened, and who ignored us. This election is an opportunity to do something about it.
We also know who the handful of candidates who are ready to fight with us on our Nurse Values, and are in the closest elections where our advocacy can make the biggest difference.
That why we’ve endorsed the following candidates for State House and State Senate:
- Janet Diaz (D) for Senate District 13
- Shelbie Stromyer (D) RN for Senate District 21
- Emily Skopov (D) for House District 28
- Marlene Katz (D) for House District 29
- Michele Knoll (D) for House District 44
- Brittney Rodas (D) for House District 105
- Tom Mehaffie (R) for House District 106
- Bridget Malloy Kosierowski RN (D) for House District 114
Nurses are a powerful force and can make a big difference in this election. But safe staffing and strong public health measures are how we advocate for our patients and our communities, and this year has shown clearly that we can’t trust a lot of the lawmakers in Harrisburg to act on our advocacy, so we need a lot of different lawmakers after the November 3rd election.
1 in 40 registered voters in Pennsylvania is a nurse, and the public has rated nurses as the most trusted profession for 18 years straight. Put our numbers, our moral power, and our passion for advocating for our patients, our profession, and our communities together. Now think about what we can do in an election where we know who failed us in our greatest hour of need, and they’re asking for our vote.
Check out the 2020 Nurse Values Report Card. Use the Report Card to see how the candidates asking for your vote scored on our Nurse Values.
Sign up to volunteer. With your help, we can make a big impact in the November 3rd elections to advance our Nurse Values. Fill out the volunteer signup form and we’ll follow up to help you connect to our volunteer program. All activities will include training and support, so don’t worry if you’re new to this!
– Nurses of PA
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