
The COVID-19 crisis shows why it’s critical that nurses have a say in the decisions about our patients and our profession. Nurses of Pennsylvania launched in 2017 as a grassroots movement of, by, and for every nurse in Pennsylvania. We are building a strong, dedicated, powerful voice for nurses wherever decisions are being made about healthcare and our profession — in the legislative halls of Harrisburg and in corporate boardrooms across the state. 

The Nurses of PA Board is made up of nurses who are ready to lead. We believe even, and perhaps especially, during this crisis it is critical to maintain a strong Board of Directors by moving forward with the planned election for two seats on our Board of Directors.

Nominations for the election for our Board of Directors are now open. The nomination period will end in one week. You can find further details about the election process below.

Please use this form to nominate yourself or someone else for our board election. Once you fill out the nomination form, we will follow up shortly thereafter with the questionnaire for candidates.

Role of the Board of Directors of Nurses of Pennsylvania

The Board of Directors of Nurses of Pennsylvania steer the Non-Profit towards a powerful and sustainable future by leading the organization through strategic, ethical, and legal governance and are responsible for the management of the organization’s policies. Such Directors participate, influence, and are grounded in the advancement of the organization’s mission. 

Our Board of Directors has been comprised of both nurse members and partners of the organization with experience in organizing and healthcare advocacy. Board members meet periodically to discuss and vote on the affairs of the organization. At a minimum, 3 meetings occur a year either in person or virtually. A Director is someone who is committed to upholding the purpose of the organization’s campaign. The board is responsible for reviewing, supporting and assessing all organizational planning. They share a common understanding of the organization’s goals and strategies and work together with Nurses of PA staff and members to achieve the goals of the organization.

How the Election Process Will Work


3/30 – 4/5: Nomination period
4/6 – 4/12: nominees will be contacted at the direction of the Board to complete a questionnaire, clarify their intent, and provide relevant biographical information
4/12 Candidate Questionnaires are Due
4/13 – 4/19: Candidate Consideration – Candidate Questionnaires will be distributed and opportunities will be made available for voting members to learn more about the candidates
4/20 – 4/26: Online voting period through single transferable vote, ranked-choice election
4/29: We’ll introduce our 2020-2022 Board and share the election results on a Statewide Video Meeting and through our communications channels

Voting Eligibility

According to our bylaws, the voting members of Nurses of Pennsylvania are nurses who either:


  • Have attended or participated in two of the following types of events in the past year with Nurses of Pennsylvania: 
      1. In person meetings, summits, or rallies
      2. Remote video meetings
      3. Volunteer events such as phonebanks, canvasses, or textbanksave attended or participated in two of the following types of events in the past year with Nurses of Pennsylvania:

    Nurses on our contact lists will be notified of voting eligibility status on 4/12, and have the opportunity to ask questions about their eligibility by contacting info@nursesofpa.org prior to the distribution of online ballots on 4/20.

    Candidate Eligibility

    Candidates do not need to be voting members as defined in the bylaws, but candidates must adhere to the established policies and standards of conduct as outlined in the Nurses of Pennsylvania bylaws, subsequent Board resolutions, and shared organizational mission, culture, and values.