Organizing Resources:
The following are some resources to support your grassroots organizing for safe patient limits!
- Click here to view the online petition at
- Contact us at to share your ideas, ask questions, and help organizing events in your area!
- Share your story. Our most powerful tool we have as nurses is to share our stories about why this matters with each other, with the public, and with politicians. It’s time to break the silence. If you want to help contribute nurse stories for our emails, social media, or other public outreach, you can email us at to send us letters, videos, whatever you want people to know about why safe patient limits is important to you (just don’t violate HIPAA or talk about your employer specifically!).
- As a statewide movement, we hold a lot of meetings and trainings over video conference, and we generally use the app Zoom, which you can click here to download. Click here for our guide to joining a Zoom video call.